Baby Jogger City Elite Single Stroller, Black Sport

Special Price!!! Baby Jogger City Elite Single Stroller, Black Sport

Baby Jogger City Elite Single Stroller, Black Sport
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Baby Jogger City Elite Single Stroller, Black Sport

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Baby Jogger City Elite Single Stroller, Black Sport Feature

  • Patented quick-fold technology-allows you to fold your stroller in one simple step
  • 12" forever-air quick-release tires with front wheel suspension and lockable swivel front wheel for all-terrain strolling
  • Patented universal accessory mounting bracket ? accessorize your stroller with ease
  • Multi-position sun canopy with clear view windows and side ventilation panels that secure with magnets
  • Plush padded seat reclines to a near flat position with a vented seat top and retractable weather cover, raised kicker accommodates smaller children and provides easy access to the under seat basket

Baby Jogger City Elite Single Stroller, Black Sport Overview

The Baby Jogger® City Elite single stroller is equipped with premium features, including Quick-Fold™ Technology; a reclining, vented seat with retractable weather cover; and wide-tread pneumatic tires. A multiple-pocket parent console, adjustable handlebar, and a large bubble canopy with clear windows and side ventilation panels also come standard. The City Elite offers an excellent ride for your most precious cargo.

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Baby Jogger City Elite Single Stroller, Black Sport

Limited Offer Today!! Baby Jogger City Elite Single Stroller, Black Sport Black Friday and Cyber Monday Deals

Weight Loss Supplements For Women

Contours Lite Stroller, Tangerine

Special Price!!! Contours Lite Stroller, Tangerine

Contours Lite Stroller, Tangerine
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Contours Lite Stroller, Tangerine

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Contours Lite Stroller, Tangerine Feature

  • 6" front single swivel and 8" rear wheels for low resistance strolling - single wheels for more contemporary, sleek look
  • Convenient free-stand 1-hand fold gives parents a free hand
  • Child snack tray with extra-large drink holder rotates and removes for easy access
  • Features for baby's comfort include multi-position reclining seat, 3-tier canopy and height adjustable 5-point harness with strap cover sleeves
  • Large basket accomodates all baby's gear

Contours Lite Stroller, Tangerine Overview

Contours Lite stroller’s compact and lightweight frame goes from planes, trains to automobiles with ease. The single front casters and large rear wheels steer clear of crowds or sidewalk bumps making 1-hand maneuverability a breeze.

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Contours Lite Stroller, Tangerine

Limited Offer Today!! Contours Lite Stroller, Tangerine Black Friday and Cyber Monday Deals

Hamilton Beach Toaster Oven Saw Bits

Get Back in Shape After the Birth of Your Baby - A Gentle 10 Point Plan

Be especially kind to yourself in the first weeks after your baby is born. Your body has gone through huge changes and it's unrealistic to expect that you can snap back into your old shape straight away. Unrealistic expectations sets you up for failure and disappointment, but you CAN get your figure back if you are patient and take it one step at a time. Forget drastic dieting and treat your body to healthy nourishing food and gentle exercise to get back in shape. You will naturally lose some weight during the first few weeks as your uterus shrinks. Breast feeding alone will allow you to lose weight at 1lb a week if you eat normally and healthily as it uses up 500 calories a day, but you do need to eat enough so that your milk does not dry up. Plan on losing the remainder at a gentle pace. Your tummy will look very sad after the birth, flabby and saggy. Don't worry you can soon get things looking good again. Do all the post-natal exercises and gentle exercise recommended by your health-care professionals during the first 6 weeks to get your tummy back in shape. After that check with them that it is Ok if you want to embark on a more strenuous exercise routine. Once your doctor says its OK to exercise, one of the best ways to retighten your muscles is a simple yoga move. Stand with your feet apart, hands on thighs. Breathe out fully and then pull your tummy muscles in and up as hard as you can, holding for a count of 10. If you do this a few times a day before breakfast you'll soon see results. Don't do this during pregnancy. The first few weeks with your baby are precious and not the time to start injuring yourself by doing too much too soon. Whatever you decide to do, don't go mad in the first week you're allowed to exercise normally. Build up gradually as if you'd not exercised before. If you are not able to get back to the gym or to do whatever activity you used to do now that you have a baby to care for, investigate home-exercise programs and videos you can do while your baby sleeps or organise your partner or friend to watch your baby for a short time while you exercise. You will need to be a bit more resourceful and determined to fit in your exercise but you can find a way if you really want to. Walking with your baby is always great - you both get fresh air and out of the house and you get fitter while your baby is soothed by the movement of the pram. You could also use a baby carrier to keep your baby close to you while you walk. This is especially soothing for a restless baby. Aim to walk for 30 minutes to an hour each day. You may find yourself tempted to snack more if you are alone at home with your baby especially if you are used to being out and about at work every day. Make sure you have lots of healthy snacks around such as fruit and avoid buying unhealthy snacks so you are not tempted. You may be better to plan 5 or 6 mini-meals rather than snacking all day AND having your usual lunch and dinner. Take the time to plan simple meals for the next few days before you go shopping. This will help you avoid the "What's for dinner"/"Oh no, I haven't defrosted it?" / "Better send out for pizza again" Syndrome. This is not the time to plan elaborate recipes but try and avoid too much processed junk food because you do have time for a simple omelette, pasta sauce, baked potato or salad If you start a plan to get in shape and it all feels like too much, simply restart it when you feel up to it - there's no need to beat yourself up over anything. Most women feel a bit tired and stressed with a new baby so don't put more pressure on yourself. All in good time. If you feel really down remember and seek help - post-natal depression is very real and quite common. Reward yourself. You've been through a lot - your body has changed, your hormones are in disarray. Whatever you do that helps towards getting back in shape (a walk, a healthy snack, your tummy exercises or whatever) give yourself a pat on the back. A few moments to yourself can be a great reward if you have someone who will care for your little one for a while. Bonus tip: Above all relax into your new life with your baby. You'll achieve nothing by worrying about your shape. Take time to rest and pamper yourself as much as possible. Sometimes you can feel quite neglected because your baby makes so many demands and this in itself can lead you to eat for comfort. Take care of your own needs. Ask for support from your partner. If you look after yourself by eating healthily and keeping up some gentle exercise you'll be fine and your weight will naturally rebalance itself over time.
Copyright 2005, Janice Elizabeth Small

Pram Stroller

Pram Stroller

Get Back in Shape After the Birth of Your Baby - A Gentle 10 Point Plan
Pram Stroller

Special Price!!! Baby Jogger City Elite Single Stroller, Black Sport

Baby Jogger City Elite Single Stroller, Black Sport
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Baby Jogger City Elite Single Stroller, Black Sport

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Baby Jogger City Elite Single Stroller, Black Sport Feature

  • Patented quick-fold technology-allows you to fold your stroller in one simple step
  • 12" forever-air quick-release tires with front wheel suspension and lockable swivel front wheel for all-terrain strolling
  • Patented universal accessory mounting bracket ? accessorize your stroller with ease
  • Multi-position sun canopy with clear view windows and side ventilation panels that secure with magnets
  • Plush padded seat reclines to a near flat position with a vented seat top and retractable weather cover, raised kicker accommodates smaller children and provides easy access to the under seat basket

Baby Jogger City Elite Single Stroller, Black Sport Overview

The Baby Jogger® City Elite single stroller is equipped with premium features, including Quick-Fold™ Technology; a reclining, vented seat with retractable weather cover; and wide-tread pneumatic tires. A multiple-pocket parent console, adjustable handlebar, and a large bubble canopy with clear windows and side ventilation panels also come standard. The City Elite offers an excellent ride for your most precious cargo.

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Baby Jogger City Elite Single Stroller, Black Sport

Limited Offer Today!! Baby Jogger City Elite Single Stroller, Black Sport Black Friday and Cyber Monday Deals

Home Entertainment System

New Mothers - 10 Tips for Surviving the First 6 Weeks

On the third day after my first son was born a midwife looked at me with a gentle face and said 'the first six weeks are the hardest'. I then started crying, mostly because I felt so overwhelmed and also because my nipples were so badly damaged that I felt like they were about to fall off. For me the first six weeks were indeed the hardest. My second son was born five months ago and although there is only sixteen months between my boys I still think it was the first six weeks as a new mum that were the toughest.

Pram Stroller

It was a real shock. Sleep deprivation followed very closely by feeding problems were my main issues. There were times in the first few days where I thought to myself, 'Oh my God, what have I done?'. I was really scared of going home and leaving the security of the hospital.

Pram Stroller

It was tough but somehow I got through it and the first six weeks turned into six months, then a year went by then before I knew it my second beautiful son was born.

Here is a list of some tips that you can do now to help you get through this time...

1. Sleep when the baby sleeps. For some this advice might work however as soon as bub went to sleep I had bottles to wash and his baby clothes to soak. It was not practical for me to sleep each time he drifted off and it would have caused me more stress knowing that I had so much to do. A strategy that worked well for me was to do the bare minimum housework and the washing of clothes and bottles through his morning sleeps, and then have a rest in the afternoon. This routine also worked well when I was pregnant with my second son and exhausted.

2. Get out of the house. This is something I didn't do until after about four weeks and I regretted it. Just getting out for a bit - even if it's to the letterbox to get the mail really lifts you up. Taking the baby for a walk in the pram around the block or making a trip to the shops or to a friend's house is worth the effort.

3. Start off with a shower. Getting out of your pyjamas before midday can sometimes seem impossible. Having your shower before your partner leaves for work means you avoid that 'Oh no! I'm still in my pyjamas and it's the afternoon' feeling. If it isn't practical to shower first thing, does it really matter that you are in your pyjamas all day anyway?

4. Don't count the hours you sleep. When you are up all night with an unsettled baby you can become obsessed with the sleep you are not getting. Don't try and work out how much sleep or lack of sleep you had the night before. Each day is a new day so think about facing the day ahead and forget about what happened last night.

5. Look after yourself. With a new baby it is easy to forget about you, but if you don't look after yourself who will be there to look after bub? So sit down to do things like changing baby if possible, keep up with eating nutritious foods, and do as little as possible. Try and give yourself a little treat each day. Reading a few pages of my favourite magazine, having a cup of tea, or chatting to a friend on the phone all made me feel normal - sometimes, it's the small things that matter.

6. Praise yourself. So you successfully put baby to sleep without tears or you ventured out for the first time with baby in tow - praise yourself for a job well done and trust your instincts. Mum knows best, so if what you are doing is working for you and your family, keep on doing it - no matter what anyone says.

7. Find a good GP. I wasn't entirely happy with my GP and there was no way he was good enough for my baby, so I asked around and found an excellent one. A GP who is comfortable with babies, works flexible hours and is willing to accommodate you in an emergency is worth finding.

8. Join a Mothers or New Parents Group. One of the best things I ever did was to heed the advice of my Early Childhood Centre Nurse and join a Mothers Group. The Early Childhood Centre in my local area organized a group for me to join. The first four sessions were structured discussions and were led by one of the nurses at the Early Childhood Centre. Topics covered included sleep and settling, caring for a newborn, and getting to know your new baby. After the first four weeks it was up to the group to continue our get togethers however it suited us. We have met once week since this time and we all look forward to our regular catch-ups.

9. Accept offers of help. Don't be too proud to accept offers of help and don't be afraid to ask family and friends. Arrange a support network so you can have time out by yourself as well as with your partner.

10. Play with bub. When you look back to this time you won't believe how fast it went even if you don't think so now. Cuddles, kisses, singing, talking and play time are all important ways of communicating with your baby and getting to know them. The more you learn about your bub the easier it is to read their signs.

As each day passes it will get easier. You will sleep through the night, fit into your pre-pregnancy clothes and you will be your own person again and not just the baby's mother. So use these tips now and remember you will get through it.

New Mothers - 10 Tips for Surviving the First 6 Weeks
Pram Stroller

Special Price!!! Baby Jogger F.I.T. Single Jogging Stroller, Slate/Black

Baby Jogger F.I.T. Single Jogging Stroller, Slate/Black
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Baby Jogger F.I.T. Single Jogging Stroller, Slate/Black

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Baby Jogger F.I.T. Single Jogging Stroller, Slate/Black Feature

  • Patented quick-fold technology-allows you to fold your stroller in one simple step
  • 16" molded polymer quick-release pneumatic wheels
  • Hand caliper brake for more responsive braking power and added control on hilly terrain
  • Padded reclining seat with vented seat top and retractable weather cover
  • Multi-position ?no pinch? sun canopy with peek-a-boo window

Baby Jogger F.I.T. Single Jogging Stroller, Slate/Black Overview

The Baby Jogger® F.I.T. single jogging stroller is a lightweight, easy-to-use jogging stroller that is perfect for parents looking to take their fitness routine to the next level. It features Quick-Fold™ technology that allows you to collapse the stroller in a single step, and it rolls on 16" pneumatic wheels. A hand caliper brake allows responsive braking on any terrain.

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Baby Jogger F.I.T. Single Jogging Stroller, Slate/Black

Limited Offer Today!! Baby Jogger F.I.T. Single Jogging Stroller, Slate/Black Black Friday and Cyber Monday Deals

5 Bali Accommodations Worth Staying in at Sanur Beach

Sanur is one of the oldest tourist villages on Bali island and has an excellent choice of Bali accommodations to choose from. That's probably also the reason why so many older European travelers love to stay and come back to this fishing village on Bali's east coast.

Pram Stroller

The streets of these resorts are lined with mature trees, well-trimmed gardens and all of them are located along the beach pavement which continues for at least 5 kilometers, ideal for those with strollers, wheelchairs and those with prams.

Pram Stroller

Here are 5 recommended Bali accommodations worth staying in which will probably make you a return traveler too.

1. The first one is called La Taverna, which is Balinese owned and is also one of the oldest hotels in Sanur. They have several types of accommodation to choose from but the best to stay at is the thatched bungalows.

Their beach front restaurant is a popular place to hang out set among lit candles and with tables on the beach. Around -82 US per night

2. Next in the line is called the Puri Santrian resort which has gorgeous gardens, pools, Balinese statues and an excellent 'buy one, get one free' spa policy. The best value for money are the rooms at the Santrian Club which includes American breakfast, free daily fruit platter, high tea with snacks and for those travelers who really want peace and quiet this is the place since kids are not allowed inside the Santrian Club. Around 0 US per night

3. One hotel has been copied throughout Bali and this one is called the Bali Hyatt. Their landscaped gardens and design can now be found among several resorts. It has a wonderful stretch of private beach, probably the best in Sanur, and has the availability of a huge garden. The Hyatt's location is fantastic, right in the center of all the action. Around 4-145 US per night.

4. The Mercure resort is located in the south of the village and is an ideal hotel for families with young kids. There's a kids club with several activities and their pools are also the ideal place to make friends. For parents there are enough sun loungers on the beach to enjoy some moments of rest. Around -114 US per night.

5. Villa Puri Ayu is the only one in this Bali accommodations list which is not located right at the beach but it will take you only 100 meters to get there. This hotel is one of the small scale Bali accommodations and has some lovely bungalows where you definitely get value for money. Around -49 US per night.

5 Bali Accommodations Worth Staying in at Sanur Beach
Pram Stroller

Special Price!!! The First Years Jet Stroller, Retro Red

The First Years Jet Stroller, Retro Red
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The First Years Jet Stroller, Retro Red

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The First Years Jet Stroller, Retro Red Feature

  • Durable frame rated for use to 50 pounds
  • Taller handles and multi position recline
  • 5 point harness for a safer ride
  • Large parent console and lower storage basket
  • Easy one hand fold and weighs only 11 pounds

The First Years Jet Stroller, Retro Red Overview

The First Years Jet Stroller - Easier for You, More Comfortable for Your Baby. Finally, a stroller that is durable and, yes, it really will comfortably fit your little one up to 50 lbs. The wider seat base means a more comfortable ride for your child, which will keep them in their seat longer. The larger wheels (6" diameter), all eight of them, allow your First Years Jet Stroller to glide over any surface.

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The First Years Jet Stroller, Retro Red

Limited Offer Today!! The First Years Jet Stroller, Retro Red Black Friday and Cyber Monday Deals

Top Rated Baby Strollers For 2010 - Best New Baby Stroller Qualities to Look For

If you are looking for a top rated baby stroller in 2010 there are many options available to you. From Baby Jogger to Bugaboo to Silver cross, your options are almost limitless with the many brands and varieties available. Your baby deserves the best, and a good combination of quality, price, durability and compatibility is what you should be looking for.

Pram Stroller

A key quality to look for in a top rated baby stroller is the size of the tires. The classic three or four inch tires can be practical in shopping malls and areas with level ground, but when it comes to off-roading, snow and ice, they leave a lot to be desired. They can easily become stuck in ruts and become difficult to maneuver. A more practical option is the eight inch in diameter or larger inflatable bicycle-style tires. For the three wheeler strollers, a lockable front tire is a great option to help with rough terrain.

Pram Stroller

Another good quality to look for in top rated baby strollers is convertibility to a car seat. If you have a newborn, there are many strollers that have a car seat that will click right into the car, and into the stroller. This saves the added expense of buying two separate units. When your baby outgrows the car seat, this style of stroller is usually ready for a full sized toddler without the car seat attachment.

You should also be concerned with how easily your top rated baby stroller can be collapsed. Are you driving a compact car, an SUV or a minivan? Depending on the variety of stroller you purchase and how well it collapses for storage, it may be difficult for you to fit it in your current vehicle.

Are you planning to have more than one child, or do you already? Multiple child strollers are readily available in today's marketplace. If you have two children, three, or even four, there is a top rated baby stroller available to suit your need. If you only have one child now, but plan on having another, you may want to purchase a double stroller now, planning for the future. There are many double strollers on the market that are convertible to single. This helps by giving you the aesthetics of a single stroller, while preparing for the future of multiple children.

Now that you are getting closer to purchasing your top rated stroller, you should make sure that it is comfortable for you to use. If the bar you use to push the stroller is too low, you may have to hunch over to push it, giving you back problems in the long run. Also check out the grips to feel if they are comfortable for your hands. You are going to be using the stroller for years to come, so you want to make sure it is perfect for you.

With the many strollers available, the on you purchase is not an easy decision. Make sure you take your time and examine all the options before making a decision.

Top Rated Baby Strollers For 2010 - Best New Baby Stroller Qualities to Look For
Pram Stroller

The First Years Jet Stroller, Retro Red

The First Years Jet Stroller, Retro Red
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The First Years Jet Stroller, Retro Red Feature

  • Durable frame rated for use to 50 pounds
  • Taller handles and multi position recline
  • 5 point harness for a safer ride
  • Large parent console and lower storage basket
  • Easy one hand fold and weighs only 11 pounds

The First Years Jet Stroller, Retro Red Overview

The First Years Jet Stroller - Easier for You, More Comfortable for Your Baby. Finally, a stroller that is durable and, yes, it really will comfortably fit your little one up to 50 lbs. The wider seat base means a more comfortable ride for your child, which will keep them in their seat longer. The larger wheels (6" diameter), all eight of them, allow your First Years Jet Stroller to glide over any surface.

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The First Years Jet Stroller, Retro Red

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BumbleRide Queen B Stroller

BumbleRide Queen B Stroller
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BumbleRide Queen B Stroller Feature

  • Five point adjustable safety harness on the stroller from BumbleRide
  • BumbleRide stroller includes infant headrest and shoulder pads
  • Reversible seat on the baby stroller
  • Different than other strollers with 12 in. quick release air inflated tires
  • Stroller from BumbleRide with steerable and lockable front wheels

BumbleRide Queen B Stroller Overview

BumbleRide Queen B Stroller The BumbleRide Queen B has all of the hoopla surrounding it that all of the top standard strollers do. With a five point safety harness and infant headrest, the child is going to be safe and comfortable. The Queen B stroller from Bumbleride features 3 different colors to choose from, including the always popular Ruby. The Bumbleride Queen B boasts 12 inch air wheels that have quick release capability. When the backrest is fully reclined and the boot cover attache

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BumbleRide Queen B Stroller

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Moses Baskets - Cheap and Comfortable Space For Your Baby!

It is difficult to carry infants all the time, it is therefore necessary to create space for them, which will be both comfortable and secured. Parents go through a difficult time during their baby's infancy; it is uncomfortable and inadvisable to carry your baby in your arms. Real problem starts when you need to drive alone with your baby. it is impossible that your infant will hold his head in a baby car seat. This is the time when Moses baskets can come in really handy.

Pram Stroller

These are snug and comfortable, you can buy dressed baskets which come with a little mattress and rugs for your baby, or you can buy the undressed ones which you can decide what blankets you need to put to make your baby comfortable. Undressed baskets are economical than the dressed ones.

Pram Stroller

One of the most important advantages of the Moses baskets is that these consume very little space. In fact, with these baskets you avoid carrying the bulky prams wherever you go. All you need to do with these baskets is keep your baby in the basket and protect it as per season's demand.

Moses baskets can be put to multiple uses!

These baskets are versatile; you can put a single basket to several different uses. Use it to carry your baby when you go out. When at home, you can use it as a snug and safe place for your baby to sleep in! You can buy a stand according to your own choice and put the basket in the stand. Your baby will stay safe and secured in the basket even at home.

There is a choice of rocking stands, so if you rock your baby to sleep, you simply need to put this basket in the stand. The facility of rocking your baby will to see to it that the basket is also used as a rocker for your baby.

Current financial crunch can have anyone thinking about the prices. With Moses baskets you will not need to think twice whether or not you can afford one. These are most inexpensive as these cost less than 0. Some varieties are priced at as low as and some extravagant ones are not priced more than . However, the stand will cost a little bit extra. If you want economy you can choose and pick both and your bill will still be under 0.

Some of the Internet best baby care shops stock these baskets because of their high demand due to the convenience these offer.

Moses Baskets - Cheap and Comfortable Space For Your Baby!
Pram Stroller

Jeep Stroller Mesh Bag
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Jeep Stroller Mesh Bag Feature

  • Easily attaches to the back of any stroller
  • Provides plenty of storage space for all the on-the-go essentials
  • Expandable
  • Durable
  • Convenient

Jeep Stroller Mesh Bag Overview

Convenient storage bag easily attaches to the back of any stroller. Expandable durable convenient. Plenty of storage space for all your On-The-Go essentials.

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Jeep Stroller Mesh Bag

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Baby Equipment Rentals - Lighten the Load When Travelling With Children

Travelling with children can be tiring and stressful. The baby is crying for a feed, the toddler has just learnt to run and the older ones keep wandering away when something catches their attention. The last thing you want to be concerned with is the whereabouts of cumbersome baby equipment, excess baggage charges and damage or loss by airlines. Whatever your needs are for baby equipment, hiring for the duration of your holiday can be a very cost effective and convenient solution.

Pram Stroller

There is a substantial variety of baby goods available for hire in Geelong, Melbourne, Mornington Peninsula, Sydney, Surfcoast and Australia wide, whether for a number of days, weeks or months. You may require a baby capsule for your little one under 6 months, or perhaps an upright car seat for the toddler to complement your car rental. Pram hire and stroller rentals are also worth considering for resting weary little legs when wandering the tourist tracks. Or for greater convenience a "Travel System" baby capsule and stroller combination unit makes it easy to transfer the baby in and out of the car.

Pram Stroller

Staying with family or friends with no children?
When planning to stay with friends or relatives who don't usually have need for baby gear then you might find portacot or crib rental useful. These particular items are especially difficult to travel with, but certainly not worthwhile for your hosts to buy for a short-term stay. It may also be necessary to rent baby furniture such as a highchair or safety gate especially if the house is not set up for children and might not be considered baby-proof.

Safety must of course be a high priority when considering baby equipment for hire. You can be assured of safety by the high standards maintained by professional baby equipment rentals services. Such businesses purchase products directly from manufacturers within Australia which must meet or exceed the strict Australian Safety Standards. Upon return, all baby goods are assessed for damage and records kept if a particular item is involved in an accident. Equipment no longer considered fit for use is destroyed and discarded.

For further safety assurance, when it comes to car seats and capsules, qualified child restraint professionals can be available for fitting equipment in the car. Cleanliness is also given utmost attention where equipment is cleaned and santised after each rental to eliminate risk of cross infection.

Baby Equipment Rentals - Lighten the Load When Travelling With Children
Pram Stroller

RayShade® UV Protective Stroller Shade Improves Sun Protection for Strollers, Joggers and Prams Black
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RayShade® UV Protective Stroller Shade Improves Sun Protection for Strollers, Joggers and Prams Black Feature

  • Easy to attache with hook and loop straps
  • Provides more shade area then any other stroller canopy
  • Provides a UPF of 50+

RayShade® UV Protective Stroller Shade Improves Sun Protection for Strollers, Joggers and Prams Black Overview

RayShade - UV Protective Stroller Sun Shade Tested and Rated at 50+ UPF (ULTRAVIOLET PROTECTION FACTOR)RayShade's soft, tightly-woven polyester/spandex fabric meets the highest possible rating for sun protection according to tests in both the United States and Australia. A hidden bottle pocket holds bottles & sippy cups upright while larger pockets on both sides hold tissues, cell phones and pacifiers. Water Repellent: The RayShade is water repellent to protect your child from any weather conditions! Easily-Adjustable: RayShade Extends the Protective Shaded Area Under Every Stroller Canopy. Place over any canopied stroller, jogger or pram with the front curve of the hoop facing forward. As the angle of the sun changes, you can quickly adjust the RayShade forward or back to provide your child with the right amount of sun protection. 90%% of All Skin Cancer is Caused by Sun Exposure: One bad sunburn as a child doubles the chances of developing skin cancer later in life. Children must stay in the shade, even in overcast conditions. This is CRITICAL FOR INFANTS under 6 months, as their skin is too sensitive to use sunscreen lotion. Pediatricians Recommend RayShade: to keep infants and children protected from the sun s UVA and UVB rays. RayShade Rolls Away Into Its Pocket for Compact Storage: Lay RayShade flat, then coil up around the hoop to about 9 inches in diameter. Invert the pocket and enclose the coil! **Available only for single strollers in black

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RayShade® UV Protective Stroller Shade Improves Sun Protection for Strollers, Joggers and Prams Black

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Buggyguard B - Hook for Stroller, Black

Buggyguard B - Hook for Stroller, Black
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Buggyguard B - Hook for Stroller, Black Feature

  • Outward opening so it's easy to slip items on and off with only one hand
  • Wide lower loop accomodates extra wide handles on your purses and diaper bags
  • Our 3-digit resettable combination lock allows you to secure your valuables
  • Strong, lightweight aluminum construction
  • Non-slip foam grip to prevent from falling off handles

Buggyguard B - Hook for Stroller, Black Overview

Now you can hook and secure your belongings when going to theme parks, malls, grocery stores, gyms, aquariums or simply traveling.

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Buggyguard B - Hook for Stroller, Black

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Five Ideal Christmas Gifts For Babies

Do you want to buy something special for a new baby in the family? Here are five Christmas gift ideas that may help get you started.

Pram Stroller

1. One of the best choices of Christmas gift for babies is clothing. From mitts, socks and sleep suits to vests, cardigans and jumpers. Babies are growing at alarming rate, so parents need rely on family members and friends providing clothes to keep their little ones nice and warm.

Pram Stroller

2. Depending on your budget and your relationship to the baby, you may be able to help the parents out with a crib, pram, moses basket or push chair. This equipment is all extremely useful and important, so may be the ideal present.

3. If you're looking for some smaller gifts, then skin care products may be a great idea. It's essential that a baby's skin is well looked after, particularly a newborn, so anything from bubble bath and shampoo to cotton wool and wipes will be greatly appreciated.

4. Practical presents are always warmly welcomed by mothers and fathers, especially things like nappies, changing mats, blankets and dummies. Not everyone will think to help parents out with these items, but they are extremely important for a baby's well-being.

5. However, if you want to buy a gift that's just for the baby, then toys are an obvious treat. From mobiles to cuddly toys, you can't really go wrong as long as you go for something soft or colourful. And if your skills permit it, why not knit the toys and give them something personal.

So, if you're looking for something special to buy for a new baby in the family or a friend's child, then these five ideas may help. There are a wide range of newborn baby gifts to choose from, including organic baby clothes, skin care, accessories and toys, so why not start looking today?

Five Ideal Christmas Gifts For Babies
Pram Stroller

The Evolution of the Stroller

Today, parents from all over the world are using baby strollers for their children. These strollers are often designed to be taken off road, with larger tires and independent suspension. The strollers of today, are great for taking your child on a jog or run and are far different from the first strollers, which were invented almost three hundred years ago.

Pram Stroller

In the East, cloth slings and devices similar to baby backpacks have long been used to transport babies, but the West has long relied on the stroller. A stroller is a baby carrier that traditionally had four wheels and a compartment to hold a baby. The stroller is pushed in front of the parent and often has a built in suspension system, to sooth the baby and also reduce the impact of bumps on the road.

Pram Stroller

The first stroller is usually attributed to a garden architect named William Kent. The Duke of Devonshire had asked Kent to find a way to make transporting his children easier. Kent constructed what would become the first stroller, which consisted of a basket mounted on wheels. This first stroller was intended to be pulled by a small animal, like a goat, and was very elegantly decorated.

By the middle of the eighteen hundreds, several manufacturers were creating baby carriages that could be pushed by the parents. These usually used a wicker basket to hold the baby and brass joints. As time progressed there were several other innovations. Towards the end of the eighteen hundreds, a man by the name of William Richardson patented the reversible stroller, which allowed the baby to be placed facing towards or away from the person driving the carriage. He also changed the way the axle controlled the wheels, which helped to make the devices much more maneuverable, because each wheel operated independently.

The popularity of would blossom in the twentieth century as they became affordable for more people. New safety features were also added, like brakes, stronger frames, and bigger wheels. As the devices increased in popularity, they could be found in almost everyone's home.

Another innovation to the design of the baby stroller came at the hands of Owen Maclaren, who was an aeronautical engineer. Owen's daughter mentioned that she had difficulty traveling with her baby stroller. Using his aeronautical background Maclaren was able to create a lightweight foldable stroller. He used an aluminum frame and created what would become known as an umbrella stroller. He founded his own company to sell these strollers, which quickly became incredibly popular.

Today, the stroller is still the most popular way to transport a baby in America. The foldable umbrella stroller is still popular and most strollers are designed so that they can be stored easily. They usually support around a hundred pounds, but often the stroller weighs less than twenty-five pounds.

They feature improved suspension and many feature a removable basket, so if the baby falls asleep, they can be moved easily without disturbing them. These modern strollers often only have three wheels, which increases maneuverability. When jogging, the front wheel is usually locked in place, which increases the stability.

The stroller of today is very popular and is often in the West to transport a baby.

The Evolution of the Stroller
Pram Stroller

Jeep Overland Limited Jogging Stroller, Fierce
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Jeep Overland Limited Jogging Stroller, Fierce Feature

  • Essential jogging features: front fixed wheel, air filled tires, super grip and adjustable handle
  • All the bonus features for mom and baby: iBaby sound system plays for mom and baby, speed-distance odometer, large storage basket, cup holders for mom and for baby, and more
  • Stroller conveniently stands upright when folded and you can roll the stroller folded
  • Smart handle with super grip surface easily adjusts to multiple heights and different angles
  • Safety features for your baby including adjustable five point safety harness, multi position seat, and JPMA certification

Jeep Overland Limited Jogging Stroller, Fierce Overview

Love to listen to music when you run, but worry about not hearing your child? Both of you can listen to your favorite tunes with Music on the Move174; parent tray! Simply attach your own portable audio electronics, like an iPod174;, and go! Features:iBaby8482; sound system easily connects to your iPod174; or MP3 playerSoft-ride 16 inch air filled tires. Front fixed front wheel for better handling when jogging.Smart Handle174; adjusts to multiple heightsConvenient Free-Stand8482; stands upright when foldedMulti-position reclining seatLarge storage basketChild tray with cup holderSpeed distance odometerAdjustable five-point harness, safety tether reflectors for safetySpecifications:JPMA CertifiedWeight of stroller: 27 lbsProduct folded size: 21.5" x 37.5" x 36.5"45 lbs. maximum child weight capacity Click here to download the Kolcraft Jeep Overland Jogging Stroller Manual IMPORTANT NOTES: Do not use this product while jogging until child can sit up unassisted. Requires 4 'AA' batteries (not included) iPod is a registered trademark of Apple Computer, Inc. Apple Computer, Inc. is not associated with Kolcraft Enterprises, Inc. and no approval by them is to be implied STROLLER SAFETY YOU Nothing can beat a parent8217;s bonding time with their child and the stroller has become a staple accessory in any bonding activity as it gives both a chance to enjoy the outdoors or do daily chores with each other. Like with a car, one must look into safety precautions when using strollers. You spend your time securing your baby in your car to eliminate risks, why stop there? Your quality time with your child should be experienced with full enjoyment, and any accidents whether minor or major, can be avoided just by keeping in mind the following tips, as gathered from various sources who are experts in the field of child safety8230; the parents! Buckle Up! It is very important that baby or child be strapped and buckled up whenever they are in the stroller, even

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Jeep Overland Limited Jogging Stroller, Fierce

Hook 'n' Stroll Stroller Accessory, Black

Hook 'n' Stroll Stroller Accessory, Black
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Hook 'n' Stroll Stroller Accessory, Black Feature

  • The hook swivels 360 degrees
  • Comes with adjustable Velcro strap
  • Easy off and on installation
  • Hooks together hold 11 pounds
  • Two pack and black color

Hook 'n' Stroll Stroller Accessory, Black Overview

564 Hook 'n' Stroll Features: -Stroller hooks. -Color: Black. -Hook will rotates 360 degrees. -Comes with an adjustable Velcro strap which makes it easy to attach. -Use on either horizontal or vertical bar. -Holds up to 6 lbs per hook.

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Hook 'n' Stroll Stroller Accessory, Black

Now You're &quot;Daddy&quot; - Father-Baby Bonding Activities

It is easy just after a baby is born for fathers to feel left out. If they have been involved during pregnancy and the birth they will probably have deep paternal feelings. They should be just as involved after birth, and not only with washing up and doing the shopping!

Pram Stroller

Here are some Father - Baby Bonding Activities:

Pram Stroller

Father and mother can share dressing the baby. Bathing the baby. Changing nappies. Taking the baby out in the pram. If the baby is bottle fed the father can make up bottles and feed the baby sometimes, and this will give the mother a break and a rest. One of the important occupations for the father will be to play with the baby, so that there will be a strong bonding between them from the start. Even if the father is out at work and not home until late, opportunities should be made for him to be with his child at some stage every day. Bringing up a child is a shared relationship, not just a job for the mother with the father brought in only when the child is naughty. Parents do not always agree about how their children should be brought up and cared for, and this can lead to friction and arguments. Some parents are noisy and aggressive when they argue, but the fight is usually soon over. It is not always possible to talk things out rationally and quietly, especially when strong emotions are involved. Children live through these situations and are not unduly harmed by them, as long as they still feel loved and secure afterwards. Sometimes a noisy, quick flare-up is better than long-drawn-out silences in a fraught atmosphere that children do not understand and therefore fear.

The birth of a child should strengthen the relationship between the mother and father, as long as they can both be aware of each other's need to adjust physically and mentally after the birth of the baby. It will take several weeks for the mother to regain her strength, and the demands of the baby will exhaust her. It may be some time before she desires sexual activity, and her partner must be patient.

Now You're "Daddy" - Father-Baby Bonding Activities
Pram Stroller

Inglesina Zippy Pram-Stroller System with Diaper Bag - Brown
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Inglesina Zippy Pram-Stroller System with Diaper Bag - Brown Overview

The Inglesina Zippy stroller is still the easiest stroller to fold with loads of feature and design improvements Designed to be folded with only one hand even while carrying a baby or anything else parents have their arms full with the Zippy combines exceptional design with innovative features

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Inglesina Zippy Pram-Stroller System with Diaper Bag - Brown

Inglesina 2010 Classica Complete Set with Pram Bassinet Frame Chassis Stroller Seat in Marina and Free Matching Diaper Bag

Inglesina 2010 Classica Complete Set with Pram Bassinet Frame Chassis Stroller Seat in Marina and Free Matching Diaper Bag
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Inglesina 2010 Classica Complete Set with Pram Bassinet Frame Chassis Stroller Seat in Marina and Free Matching Diaper Bag Overview

Now modern parents with a penchant for classic style can have everything they need to travel in convenience in style This exclusive Inglesina Complete Set has it all The gorgeous Classica Pram the finely crafted chrome Balestrino frame and matching Classica Stroller Seat Truly have it all with this wonderful set

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Inglesina 2010 Classica Complete Set with Pram Bassinet Frame Chassis Stroller Seat in Marina and Free Matching Diaper Bag